About Wrnyx.com
(Or how this site came to be)
(Me now at 81 and still going strong)
My name is Terry
I'm the person actually developing this site to provide me with a place to share my thoughts, ideas, creations, and whimsies without all the annoyances found on most social sites.
I've discovered that with this software I can share content directly on those annoying sites without it affecting my peace and quiet here at Wrnyx.com.
I'm a man of yesteryear... the 50's, 60's etc. who grew up believing in truth, honour, compassion and a genuine love for all of mankind...
Over the years life has pounded a lot of that out of me but I still have my core beliefs of goodness and compassion and fairness...
With the change in the social networks now allowing a wild west free for all, and with the arrival of artificial intelligence I've been finding Facebook and other social sites to be too untrue to be true, too unbelievable to be believable, too filled with fake content to be real.
To me they started out as a good idea but then became used as the 1940's and 50's 'talking and gossiping over the back fence while doing the wash'
They have become unsocial places... with no real respect for anyone or anything that even hints of being social and responsible..
So, that is why I've created this site... You are welcome to use it also, but I will leave that up to you..
The full features are free for general use, but there will eventually be a small fee for more than 'general' use after a while..
In the meantime whether you join me here or enjoy my content that I have shared on Facebook, welcome to Wrnyx.com
Have a nice day,
Toronto, Canada